Monday, July 11, 2011

Fortune Hunters

Now I know why all the lackeys want to work for Goldman. The average salary at Goldman Sachs is over $430k a year. Holy mamma. I even want to get a job there now. Damn.

Things are not all rosy though. Goldman is actually laying off people now. Sure this might be the weak part of the herd. But they are also cutting salaries. That might not be too tragic. If you make $430k++ a year, you can afford to get a 10% haircut and stiff be rich.

Goldman pays massive salaries, even when compared to other big investment banks. This seems criminal. But I think it all depends. If you make your company $400M a year in profits, you probably deserve half a million in compensation. Hell. You might even deserve more. It all depends if you hit home runs all the time, or just show up to play the game.